Total Medals Earned: 374 (From
61 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 4,450 Points
Mr. Lester... First name Mo.
Stranger Danger commercial!
Never take candy from strangers!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
The sales pitch!
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Check out Newgrounds!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
Find it to unlock it!
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Complete The Game
Finished your first drawing.
Started a game with a random user.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Notified someone after taking your turn.
Found the hidden troll face.
Reach a score of at least 10.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Send your first tweet
Finish the game
The genie of the booze bottle.
I stole these icons from him :(
There is a hidden power...
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Get a headache.
Leave the bank before the round is over.
and she is back in heat.
Take damage.
Shot the sign.
Try out the shades.
Get Frank to help you.
...while we sleep.
Come to show 'em where I am, huh? Not nice!
Follow me on twitter.
Buy an upgrade.
Follow me on Newgrounds
Check out the extras.
He said "I shot the clerk!"
Like me on Facebook.
Kill the tattler.
Click the Newgrounds logo.
Buy all stamina upgrades.
Put the glasses on immediately after making a kill.
Get a x8 combo.
Buy all health upgrades.
Buy all special upgrades.
Buy all resistance upgrades.
Follow Genclops.
Get a score of 10000.
Buy every upgrade.
Get a x13 combo.
Get a score of 100000.
Collect every medal.
Get skewered on spikes
Launch the Turtle
Smash a goomba
Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)
Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)
Blow up a jeep
Crush an angry ground creature
Reach space
Get punched by a banana
Get caught by a UFO
Get burned by a sun
Play over an hour
Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)
Use a nuke
Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)
Total over 1 million feet
Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)
Find the hidden button
Play over 2 hours
Buy everything
Get a single spade in a spin
Win with three hearts.
Win with four angry faces.
Win with 6 rows of cash.
Get two wilds in a single spin.
Lose all your credits.
Reach $10,000 in credit.
Win with 5 rows of platinum bars.
Get 100 spins in a single game.
Win the Jackpot
Win with 7 rows of diamonds
have $5000
write 5 books
play 100 in-game weeks
write 5 books
play 50 in-game weeks
enter your name
buy a bus pass
have charisma of 10
have charisma of 5
have humour of 10
have humour of 5
have intelligence of 10
have intelligence of 5
use a publisher
write a book with a quality of 10 or more
write a book with a quality of 5 or more
have research of 10
have research of 5
self publish a book
have style of 10
have style of 5
buy a tent
buy a typewriter
have vocabulary of 10
have vocabulary of 5
have wit of 10
have wit of 5
have $10000
play 250 in-game weeks
buy an apartment
buy a car
buy a computer
buy a laptop
write a book with a quality of 25 or more
write 25 books
write 50 books
play 500 in-game week
have charisma of 20
have charisma of 30
have humour of 20
have humour of 30
have intelligence of 20
have intelligence of 30
have research of 20
have research of 30
have style of 20
have style of 30
have vocabulary of 20
have vocabulary of 30
have wit of 20
have wit of 30
write 100 books
buy a fancy apartment
buy a fancy car